nuts and bolts - vertaling naar spaans
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nuts and bolts - vertaling naar spaans

Nuts and Bolts         
Nut and bolt; Nut and Bolt; Nuts and bolts; Nuts & Bolts; Nuts & bolts; Nuts and Bolts (disambiguation)
Se refiere a las cosas básicas, los hechos o datos básicos
nuts and bolts         
Nut and bolt; Nut and Bolt; Nuts and bolts; Nuts & Bolts; Nuts & bolts; Nuts and Bolts (disambiguation)
= aspectos básicos, lo básico, lo esencial, aspectos prácticos
Ex: This paper describes the nuts and bolts of evaluating children's books.
(n.) = tuerca
Ex: The movement of the bar turned the spindle through about ninety degrees, and the screw working in the nut caused it to descend about 15 mm.
* lug nut = tuerca de la rueda, tornillo de la rueda
* nuts and bolts = aspectos básicos, lo básico, lo esencial, aspectos prácticos


sust. masc.
Acción de aterrizar.


Nuts and Bolts
Nuts and Bolts may refer to:
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor nuts and bolts
1. to the nuts and bolts.
Release Engineering Keynote _ Dinah McNutt _ Talks at Google
2. into the nuts and bolts of execution, which is not--
A Different Kind of Dating App _ Amanda Bradford _ Talks at Google
3. the nuts and bolts of Photoshop and figuring out
Fire Girl and The Wood Wolf _ Tom Siddell _ Talks at Google
4. a lot of the sort of nuts and bolts
Rethinking Home Care _ Sandy Jen _ Talks at Google
5. And the nuts and bolts of the film
Batkid Begins _ Patricia Wilson, Dana Nachman + More _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor nuts and bolts
1. None of the prisoners attach nuts and bolts to rails.
2. Not everything can be reduced to cosmic nuts and bolts.
3. Full details of the nuts and bolts of the measure won‘t be released until Thursday.
4. Nuts and bolts go on jumbo jets, they go on space ships.
5. Greenberg had little extra time for the nuts–and–bolts details that Sosin sought to negotiate.